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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Carroll to extend natural gas lines

Carroll County:
“The Carroll County Industrial Authority (IDA) agreed at its meeting May 5 to extend the natural gas distribution system to Water and Center streets in Hillsville to pick up more customers. Andy Jackson made the motion to approve the extension, with the project cost not to exceed $30,000. The vote was unanimous.

It was noted that a lot of the expansion work would be handled by Carroll County employees. Earl Hagee, natural gas pipeline and utility specialist, told the IDA that 10 customers are now hooked to the system and that he was receiving calls daily from potential customers. Hagee said Mohawk is the largest customer, using about five million cubic feet a month.

Some of the other customers include the Carroll County Governmental Complex, Carroll County High School, and Classic Creations in the Carroll County Industrial Park. The new STEM Agriculture Lab under construction at the high school will also be hooked to the system after it’s completed.”
~Writes Larry Chambers, Carroll County public info

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