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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Debate Over Lorton Landfill Continues at Public Hearing

Fairfax County:
“The debate over the future of the Lorton landfill continued as community members commented before the Fairfax County Planning Commission at a public hearing on Feb. 27. Over 50 people signed up to speak on the EnviroSolutions application to extend landfill operations until 2040, with the meeting going into the early hours of the morning.

EnviroSolutions, who owns the Lorton landfill, is applying for permission to widen the landfill and continue operations until 2040. EnviroSolutions’ proposed green energy triangle at the site of the landfill, which includes the development of geothermal energy, three wind turbines, and solar panels, was a major topic at the hearing.

Supporters cited the green energy as being beneficial for the county, as well as EnviroSolutions’ commitment to providing the community with $18 million, given out in increments over the course of two decades between 2019 and 2040. Jim Corcoran, president and CEO of the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce, which endorses the EnviroSolutions application to extend the landfill, said that a green energy triangle will enhance the county’s reputation.”
~Writes Janelle Germanos of The Connection

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