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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Board of Supervisors tables tower decision

Greene County:
“Greene County Supervisors have delayed a vote on a request to construct a controversial communications tower on Dyke Road. At its regular board meeting on April 8, the Greene County Board of Supervisors deferred until May 13 the vote on a request to construct the AT&T communications tower.

The decision came after supervisors listened to 15 people on both sides of the issue speak for 45 minutes and then asked questions of their own. ‘Did y’all have a second best choice?’ Supervisor Bill Martin inquired before asking fellow supervisors to defer the vote. The board voted unanimously to table the motion.

Preston Lloyd, attorney at Williams Mullen, told supervisors that AT&T officials chose the Dyke Road location because the site seemed to fit all the criteria mapped out in both AT&T’s regulations and the county’s ordinances.”
~Writes Kane Kashouty of the Greene County Record

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