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Monday, December 23, 2013

Roanoke Water Authority may Help Pay for New SML Water Plant

Bedford County
“Negotiations will continue into next month between water authorities in Bedford County and the Roanoke Valley to extend a buy-sell agreement into a working partnership. The discussion includes potential development of a new water treatment plant in Bedford County that would increase the amount of water drawn from Smith Mountain Lake and purchased by the Western Virginia Water Authority, which services Roanoke and Roanoke and Franklin counties.

An investment from the Roanoke-based authority would shoulder some of the Bedford Regional Water Authority’s burden in the project, which has an early projected price tag of $34 million. A draft agreement could come before each authority’s board as early as February. The costs and logistics for the facility and interconnecting lines will be examined by Black & Veatch Corp. in a study commissioned by the Bedford authority on Tuesday. The examination includes a potential line running from the new facility in Moneta to Bedford along Virginia 122, and then along U.S. 460 to Forest, where service is provided through water purchased from Lynchburg.”
~Writes Alex Rohr of the Roanoke Times

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