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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

County Asks Legislators for Ability to Compel Residents to Tie into Utilities

Gloucester County
“Gloucester County is once again asking the Virginia General Assembly to allow it to have the ability to require its residents to connect to county water and sewer if hookups are available. The request was listed as the top priority to be sent to Del. Keith Hodges (R-Middlesex) and State Sen. Tommy Norment (R-Williamsburg) to be considered for legislation in the coming session. The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution in March 2012, requesting consideration of the matter by the General Assembly.

This year, Gloucester went a step further. The board took a different approach, asking the General Assembly to allow all localities in the commonwealth which own and maintain their own water and sewer systems to have the ability to require residents to connect to the system where it is available and where the elected governing body is in control of the utilities system.”
~Writes Quinton Sheppard of the Gazette-Journal

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