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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Supervisors discuss options for utilities district

Caroline County:
“The Caroline Pines subdivision will eventually need to upgrade its aging water line. The question remains—how will they pay for it? The Board of Supervisors discussed options at its April 8 meeting and will explore the matter further in future work sessions.

Caroline Pines is already set up as a utility service district. This allows the board to increase the real estate tax rate on residences within the service district. The board can also establish a separate water user rate for the district’s customers. The goal in either case would be to recover the costs of repairing and replacing the utilities infrastructure.

Currently, the residents of Caroline Pines pay an extra $46.67 per month on their water bills, and this additional charge goes toward paying off the county’s availability fee—not toward any future repairs. The board had approved a discounted availability fee of $2,800 per customer for the community, which Caroline Pines residents are paying over a five-year period. The more than 350 customers are roughly two years into that arrangement. The county’s current availability fee is about $8,000 per customer.”
~ Writes The Caroline Press

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