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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cell tower proposed off Tide Mill Lane

City of Hampton:
“The City Council will soon act on AT&T's request to build a 145-foot-tall cellular tower in a Riverdale Christmas tree farm on Tide Mill Lane. The proposal is facing opposition from some area residents who see the tower and the technology attached to it as an eyesore in a residential neighborhood.

The Planning Commission unanimously agreed April 3 to recommend the tower at 57 Tide Mill Lane be approved. The Riverdale Regional Civic Association and city planning staff have also backed the request. City staff directs cell tower proposals to areas where fewer residents are affected by the infrastructure.

In 2011, community opposition forced the company to pull its application to build a 120-foot-tell tower at the Elks Lodge, 95 Tide Mill Lane. In 2009, the phone carrier had also submitted and subsequently removed its application for a tower at Burbank Elementary School.

The Riverdale Regional Civic Association opposed both previous proposals. On April 3, the group president Andy Bigelow said the latest site is the best location for the tower. A date has not yet been set for the City Council to act on the proposal.”
~Writes the Daily Press

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