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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Supervisors Vote to Spend $11 Million Burying Power Lines in Woodbridge

Prince William County
“Part of the clutter marring the overhead scenery along U.S. 1 in Woodbridge– about 80 aging utility poles – will be removed in coming months, thanks to a Prince William County Board of Supervisors’ decision this week. The board voted Tuesday to spend about $11 million in county reserve funds to bury the lines from Mary’s Way to the Fairfax County line.

The work will be conducted in conjunction with a Virginia Department of Transportation project to widen the northern most stretch of U.S. 1 in Prince William County, which is set to begin next year and be completed in 2016. The board’s decision, approved in a five to three vote, comes two weeks after some Woodbridge residents addressed the board to ask that something be done about the unsightly poles, many of which have deteriorated and are leaning onto one another.”
~Writes InsideNova

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