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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

First Proposal in for Water Pipeline

Fluvanna County:
“The James River Water Authority (JRWA) announced its receipt of an unsolicited PPEA proposal to construct a utility system and part of a water pipeline in Fluvanna County on Mar. 7. The Public-Private Educational Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002, from which the PPEA proposal draws its name, allows agencies, institutions, and localities to form partnerships with the private sector and work together to complete major projects, according to the website of Virginia Information Technologies Agency.

The proposal was submitted by Faulconer Construction Co., Inc., Timmons Group, and teaming partner MEB General Contractors, to the JRWA, which is comprised of three members from Fluvanna, three from Louisa, and the Louisa County Water Authority. As stated in the inter-jurisdictional agreement passed by the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors last Sept. 18, the JRWA will construct both an intake facility at the James River and a pipeline, ending in a junction, roughly to Rt. 6. This PPEA proposal seeks permission to do just that…

The proposal suggests the system will be allowed by its withdrawal permit to take about 2.85 million gallons per day (GPD) from the James River. Nevertheless, the intake facility will be sized to handle the maximum withdrawal allowed by law, which is 5.7 million GPD. Not included in the public portion of the proposal is the anticipated time frame for the undertaking or its expected cost. Fluvanna and Louisa Counties will equally split the cost of construction, which at one time was estimated to be around $3.5 million, and may since have increased.”
~ Writes Christina Dimeo Guseman of the Fluvanna Review
Click here to learn more
Click here for the James River Water Authority Website

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