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Thursday, February 6, 2014

How much does Urbanna water service actually cost?

Town of Urbanna:
“The Town of Urbanna once provided its residents with sewer service, but turned that responsibility over to the Hampton Roads Sanitation District in the late 1990s. Since then, the most important function of the town office has been to provide drinking water. The job of figuring out how much the water system actually costs has been taken up by council member Joe Heyman.

The town council has been without a designated treasurer since Bob Calves resigned in March, 2013. Although he is not the town treasurer, Heyman has been working with town staff in an attempt to create a monthly budget report. After months of scouring town financial line items, Heyman is trying to figure how much time the town staff devotes to water issues ‘so we can understand how much the water system really does cost us,’ he told council members who were present at the January 16 council work session.

Heyman said it’s vital to figure where the town staff spends most of its time, so the town council can focus on that subject—be it zoning, water, or the Old Tobacco Warehouse. ‘We can’t really explain how much the water system costs us,’ he said. Heyman said that a town employee told him about a year ago that 60% of his time was devoted to the water system.”
 ~Writes Tom Chillemi of the SSentinel

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