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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mount Jackson moves forward on water project

Town of Mount Jackson:
“Mount Jackson embarked on a project that officials say should improve water quality and help the town prepare for the future. Town Council recently approved a contract with Richmond-based firm Kreye Blankenship Inc. to design and build a facility that would treat the water coming from three of its four municipal wells. Council's action comes about two years after a consultant's report recommended the town take this course.

Town Manager Kevin Fauber said Thursday the firm estimates the project would take about 20 weeks to design the project. The town has not yet received an estimate on when the firm would complete the construction, Fauber said. ‘We would have to coordinate construction so that it wouldn't interfere with our system,’ Fauber said.

The $787,000 project also aims to address problems seen in the water Mount Jackson draws from its municipal wells, Fauber said…Mount Jackson may not need to raise water rates to help pay for the loan the town received that covers more than half of the project cost, Fauber said. Mount Jackson provides drinking water to customers in town and Shenandoah County under a health department permit. The town brought two of its newer wells online in the past two years.”
~Writes Alex Bridges of the NV Daily

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