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Thursday, February 13, 2014

York Supervisors skeptical of regional sewer plan

York County:
“The York County Board of Supervisors remains skeptical of a regional sewer plan proposed by the Hampton Roads Sanitation District. During a meeting Tuesday, the board was told there was still no cost estimate for adopting the plan that consolidates sewer improvement projects under the district. All localities must approve the plan by the end of the month to move forward with a rate study, said Brian Woodward, the county's chief of utilities. ‘How do the powers that be expect a decision on the backs of the taxpayers without knowing what the cost will be?’ Supervisor Walt Zaremba said. ‘They want a blank check.’

The plan leaves systems under local control while placing the burden of high-dollar repairs on the regional body. It means higher rates for residents, but the increases could be greater if the localities decided to tackle the infrastructure work on their own…

The supervisors worry not only that the cost could come back much higher than expected, but also that, because York's sewer system is newer than others in the region, it wouldn't see work done on its pipes and would be subsidizing improvements in older communities.”
~ Writes Ali Rockett of the Daily Press

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