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Monday, January 13, 2014

Poquoson approves regional sewer rehab plan

City of Poquoson
“The city of Poquoson is one of the first localities in Hampton Roads to approve a plan that consolidates sewer improvement projects under one regional district. The city council unanimously entered into a memorandum of agreement, which must be approved by every municipality if it is to be implemented at all, with the Hampton Roads Sanitation District. This likely means higher rates for residents, but the hikes could be greater if the city decided to tackle the infrastructure work on its own, according to a note to the council from the city's engineer Ellen Roberts.

The hybrid plan leaves systems under local control while placing the burden of high-dollar repairs on the regional body. It is projected to save the region $1 billion throughout 30 years according to a consultant's study.”
~Writes the Ali Rockett of the Daily Press

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