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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Stafford dedicates largest public works project in its history

Stafford County:
“Northern Virginia’s newest lake started forming in Stafford County with the turning of the pumps to fill the Rocky Pen Run Reservoir on Tuesday morning. The lake is the largest public works project in county history. ‘Our population has more than doubled in the last 20 years and the number of businesses and employee base has risen as well,’ Stafford County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Cavalier, Griffis-Widewater District, said. ‘Rocky Pen Run’s 5.5-billion-gallon reservoir will allow us to meet the needs of both our private and corporate citizens for years to come.’

The new reservoir will serve customers in the southern and western portions of Stafford, but water can be pumped throughout the county based on need. Rocky Pen Run will join Abel Lake and Smith Lake in supplying water to county customers. The new reservoir will draw water from the Rappahannock River, doubling the safe yield capacity of the water supply system from what exists today. The new reservoir will also offer recreational opportunities, including fishing and non-motorized boating, such as kayaking.”
~Writes Shannon Howell of the Stafford County Sun

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