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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sewer services coming to Gloucester Point neighborhoods

Gloucester County
“The cost of hooking up to county sewer lines extending into several Gloucester Point neighborhoods could run up to $6,500 per household for dozens of homeowners, according to county projections. But the county is pursuing grant funding to cover a portion of the cost to homeowners and would also offer interest-free financing for a period of five years for part of the fees.

The county is accepting bids from contractors to extend sewer services in two phases to homes in the Terrapin Cove Road area of Gloucester Point. Phase I of the project includes Laurel and Holly roads. Phase II includes Azalea Point, Berkeley, Hoven and Killdee roads. Cost estimates for the sewer extension projects run up to $430,000.”
~Writes Matt Sabo of the Daily Press

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